[26th January] Happy Republic Day | Happy Republic Day Images | Republic Day Wishes in hindi | Whatsapp Status for Republic Day | Facebook Status for Republic Day | Republic Day Quotes | Republic Day Photos

[26th January] Happy Republic Day | Happy Republic Day Images | Republic Day Wishes in hindi | Whatsapp Status for Republic Day | Facebook Status for Republic Day | Republic Day Quotes | Republic Day Photos

Republic Day honors the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India.

The Constitution was adopted by the Indian Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949 and came into effect on 26 January 1950 with a democratic government system, completing the country's transition towards becoming an independent republic. 26 January was chosen as the Republic day because it was on this day in 1930 when the Declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress as opposed to the Dominion status offered by the British Regime.

I wish you all Happy Republic  Day 2021. Sends your wishes this republic day to all your family and friends and to be proud as an Indian.

The following are the below republic day images as shown below :

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Whatsapp or Facebook Status for Republic Day in English as follows:

Proud to be an Indian. Happy Republic Day.

It’s our pleasure to celebrate Republic Day every year. 

United we stand, Divided we fall... Happy Republic Day 

Independent India, Republic of India, let us make it developed India.

Being Indian is our identity, however; being republican is our country’s identity.

Let us see a dream on this republic day; One Nation, One Vision, and One Identity.

Happy Republic Day wishes in Hindi images as follows: 

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Whatsapp or Facebook Status for Republic Day in Hindi as follows:

इस दिन के लिए वीरो ने अपना खून बहाया है,
झूम उठो देशवासियों गणतंत्र दिवस फिर आया है।

याद रखेंगे वीरो तुमको हरदम, यह बलिदान तुम्हारा हैं
हमको तो हैं जान से प्यारा यह गणतंत्र हमारा हैं..।।।।

कुछ कर गुजरने की गर तमन्ना उठती हो दिल में,
भारत मा का नाम सजाओ दुनिया की महफिल में । 

मेरा जूता है जापानी; पतलून है इंग्लिश तानी,
सर पर लाल टोपी रुसी; फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी।

इतना ही कहना काफी नही भारत हमारा मान है,
अपना फ़र्ज़ निभाओ देश कहे हम उसकी शान है |

Inspirational Quotes for Soldiers for Republic Day 

Some like Sunday, Some like Monday, but I like one day and that is Republic Day... Jai Hind!!!

69 years of being a republic..cheers to my motherland..!!! Happy Republic Day to all of you.

United we stand, divided we fall..stronger we grow higher we flow! Jai hind!! Happy Republic Day.

No matter where I’m my heart is always with my homeland. Happy Republic Day to all my friends.

Let’s celebrate and solute the noble cause, it’s our nation which is shining as it was, Happy Republic Day

We feel proud to live in a democratic country, however; do we know the real mean of democracy. Happy Republic Day

Tags -  Happy Republic Day Images, Quotes, Whatsapp Status Wishes

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  1. It is really a great content and also the image quality. Nice..
