How to prevent Girls being influence on social media?

How to prevent Girls being influence on social media?

We are living in the 21st century and it's very obvious we are seeing this generation of kids are smarter and at the same time very much influence by others. so today's we will discuss how to prevent teen girls from being influence by social media.

Most of the time we have seen the girls are more comparing with other girls and that make one girl compare by other and this activity is done through social media. Let's come straight to the point to discuss more how we can prevent the girls from being influenced on social media.

1. As we live in society we need to make more awareness campaigns and workshops to let the girls know about the real use of social media not influence by others.

2. The company which manages the particular app that needs to be more restrictive about the usage of the app, the content posted by girls, and having more monitoring to take care of bad things to be happening.

3. Physically also parents need to take care of what her daughter is doing, a sense of activity whether there is behavioural changes or anything to protect the girls being influence.

Let's discuss some more point about the other people as well they are influenced on social media by other social friends or post or videos.

Impact of Social Media on Youth

As we all know the world is growing faster and competition is also a huge in the market so, the following trend by looking at social media impact a larger set of teenage and youth that is consider as good and bad impact going on through social media.

people look at some post and some thought on social media and get influence to take some wrong step which is more on considering as the very bad impact of social media.

but we should not ignore the fact that there is also a good impact of social media as well, we more learn sometime, we more inspired by others what they are doing great in their life that gives us boots to do as well good in our life as well.

Psychological Effects of Social Media on Youth

As per our mind processing, what we see around, what others do around, what we think that our mind process whether it's a good or bad thing but we move towards more on that side.

Nowadays the youth spending more time on social media as compared to meeting with people in person or going outside of the home. so instead of knowing the real and practical usage of any issue they just use there brain and make there own idea and thought that sometimes it is good but sometimes it is very dangerous for anyone who makes any decision and Social Media plays an important role.

Let's wrap up this discussion and if you have any thought that you just want to discuss please let me know in the comment section.

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